Saturday, June 15, 2013

A little preview of B&T's wedding!

I know it is way longer than I anticipated,  but as u may have noticed, or not noticed :-), I have TERRIBLE luck with electronics...which is not the best thing to have, when you're trying to become a digital photographer!!!! BUT, (knock on wood) I do always seem to be able to get done what I intend to get done! Sooner or later!...

I have a few photos from the wedding that I took back in May. I'm calling it the B&T Wedding!

There will be more to come! I am getting my computer back today!!!! It has been in the shop for a very long time! And I am itching like crazy to get them edited!!! But, as of now, there are only 2 that I have sucessfully edited and I would love to share them with you! Hope u enjoy!!